Zirconia or Acrylic Plastic for Full Mouth Implant Teeth
All the full mouth implant solutions below basically offer the same implant solution in principle. 4-6 implants support a full set of replacement implant teeth. The solution is called all on 4 implants. But it is better to do 5 or 6 implants for better support. Beware if only 4 implants are used, the entire case will fail if one implant is lost. 1-2 additional implants is a great insurance policy. The real differences in All on 4 cases are the kind of teeth on top of the implants. That is specifically the material used to make the teeth. Over the past 3-5 years the technology changed and it is very important to know what kind of teeth you are getting on top of your implants. And the pros and cons to the different kinds of all on 4 teeth. The material options come down to two: acrylic plastic vs zirconia ceramic teeth. Read carefully below.
Different Types of Permanent Implants – Acrylic vs Zirconia
- Hybrid Dentures made of acrylic plastic
- Hybridge Full Implant Teeth most often made of acrylic plastic
- Prettau Zirconia Implant Bridge
- Bruxzir Full mouth Zirconia Ceramic Teeth
Meet Dr. Adams
Dr. Gary Adams has done thousands of implant procedures including all lot of full mouth implant reconstruction. Dr. Adams maintains a small specialty implant center where he does implant reconstruction, sedation dentistry and TMJ treatment in the Washington, DC metro area. Dr Adams sees patients mostly from around DC, Maryland and Virginia. But some people travel from across the USA and abroad. Today we share some of the docs personal and professional insight and advise you will find very helpful. Whether you are looking for education or a consultation, enjoy the read and please give us feed back.
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Advantages of Full Mouth Zirconia Implant Teeth:
- Zirconia is a specialized ceramic material that does not contain any metal. It is beautiful and biocompatible.
- Zirconia full mouth implant teeth is very durable and does not easily break. Since the bridge is made of one block of material, there cannot be teeth breaking off of a metal underlying structure because the entire implant prosthesis is made out of one block of zirconia.
- Prettau is non-pourous and will not absorb bacteria and food particles. It will not over time discolor and begin to smell.
- Bruxzir Full Arch is highly polishable and looks a feels very smooth and natural.
- Zirconia full mouth implants can be very strong when it is thin. Thinner means increased comfort.
- Looks much more natural than acrylic All on 4. Zirconia looks life like and not at all like plastic. Very smooth and textured like natural teeth.
- not absorbing bacteria means decreased risk of gum disease and implant failure.
Full Mouth Acrylic Teeth:
Acrylic is basically plastic. All on four full implant Bridges made of acrylic are called hybrid dentures. A Hybrid Denture is basically a full mouth denture made on top of a piece of metal that is screwed onto 4-6 implants.
- Acrylic dentures can break easily or teeth can break off from the underlying metal structure.
- Hybrid Dentures are somewhat porous and absorb bacteria and food stains. The material will begin to smell and discolor over time.
- Acrylic teeth cost less than other full mouth implant options made out of Zirconia.
- Hybrid teeth due to the nature of plastic have some movement and flexibility. The teeth will not be completely stable on chewing and more imbalanced pressure can be placed onto the supporting implants.
- Acrylic teeth may last 5 to 10 years before needing to be replaced due to bad odors, the teeth becoming unsightly from staining, wear or breaking down.
- Hybrid Acrylic teeth need to be repaired more often. For repairs the teeth need to be removed and sent to the a lab for repairs. Over time, acrylic teeth will cost more money due to repairs and because they do not last a lifetime.
- Acrylic implant bridges do not look as natural as porcelain and zirconia. They look and feel like plastic. The acrylic teeth have a tendency to be thicker and bulkier too.
- Zirconia implant bridges are quite a bit more stable and have a structure that minimizes any stress on supporting implants.
Full Mouth Dental Implant Options Video

Are Acrylic Plastic or Zirconia Teeth Better?
What Full Mouth implant option is best is a very complicated question. What are the pros and cons of different full all on 4 implant teeth options? What makes one solution different than another?
Zirconia is Cosmetic Durable and Metal Free
- Long story short, zirconia teeth such as Prettau and Bruxzir are very durable and last longer
- Zirconia looks a lot better than acrylic teeth used in hybrid dentures and hybridge.
- Zirconia is thinner and smoother to the tongue
- Zirconia is non porous. It does not absorb stain and smell
- 100x more wear resistant. For this reason zirconia is the best option for teeth clenching sleep apnea problems.
- 1000x less likely to break than acrylic
Prettau and Bruxzir represent an advancement in zirconia milling technology for implant teeth. Hybridge and hybrid dentures are old technology but a bit less expensive made of conventional laboratory techniques. Those looking for more biocompatible, long lasting cosmetic solutions should insist on zirconia. The following is very informative: why all on 4 implant teeth can not be finished in a day.
What all on 4 option is the best. Is hybrid dentures better than Prettau and Bruxzir zirconia implant teeth? The key is in understanding the different kinds of materials used to make all on 4 and the pros and cons of zirconia vs acrylic plastic teeth. Also read: All on 4 dental implant reviews and problems
Full Mouth Zirconia Implant Costs
- the kind of teeth being used on top of the implants – plastic vs zirconia
- the number of implants being used – 4 vs 6 per set
- the skill level of the implant surgeon
- whether generic implants are being used – name brand vs Implants Direct etc.
- where in the USA the full implant case is being done, NYC vs Kansas City
- the implant material – non-metal zirconia implant vs conventional titanium
- IV dental sedation dentistry vs just local anesthesia
Average Cost of Replacing Teeth with Permanent Implants
Cost of Full Zirconia Implant Teeth
The cost of full mouth dental implants and all on 4 is between 25 – 35 thousand dollars for a full upper or full lower set of teeth. The price for a set of full implants includes teeth extractions, implant surgery and the permanent implant teeth that go on top. The higher priced full implant cases are usually being done by more skilled implant surgeons with zirconia teeth. Dental implants cost for full mouth restoration including tooth removal, bone grafting and teeth on top is 45 – 65 thousand dollars.
How Much do Hybridge Dentures Cost?
The average cost of hybridge dentures since the teeth are plastic is on the lower side at 20 – 25k per arch and 40 – 45k thousand dollars for the entire mouth of implants and acrylic teeth on top. Prettau zirconia implant bridges cost more, but the teeth are more natural looking, thinner and comfortable and more durable and long lasting. Prettau zirconia bridge reviews have been very good so far.
Other Full Mouth Implant Techniques Exist
- snap on implant dentures. Fixed permanent implants are more stable than dentures with implants but, snap on implant dentures are better than conventional dentures.
- Individual Implants with crowns and bridges
Holistic Dentistry Improves Implant Success and Healing
Platelet rich fibrin or PRF is a great holistic dentistry tissue regeneration technique that accelerates healing of complex implant surgery cases and decrease pain and increases success rates. There are different kinds of PRF such as injectable PRF used form coating implants prior to placement and injecting into sites in need of bone regeneration. Metal free zirconia implant options are now available to go along with the zirconia teeth on top. What is the best material for dental implants anyway?
Pluses and Minuses of Zirconia Full Mouth Bridges:
Zirconia implant teeth such as Bruxzir and Prettau is made by a machine much like a 3D printer. The teeth are designed by a computer and a template. Once the design is complete, the implant bridge is milled out of a solid block of non metal, teeth colored material called zirconia. There are two primary kinds of zirconia all on 4 implant teeth: Prettau implant bridges and Bruxzir Full Arch Implant Teeth. Both solutions are very comparable are more or less competing technologies of comparable quality. Both are zironia.
Bruxzir or Prettau Zirconia Implant Teeth:
Which is better Prettau or Bruxzir or Hybridge? Both are made out of Zirconia and are very durable and beautiful. Both are installed permanently into the mouth and can replace full mouth of teeth with implant supported bridges such as All on 4 and All on 6 Implant bridges. Basically the biggest difference is two different manufactures of a very similar product. Your implant dentist may have a preference for one over the other, but either option, but the end result is much the same. As long as you understand the difference between Hybrid Dentures and Zirconia All on 4, you can make an informed decision.
Hybridge is just a marketing company that sends patients to participating dentists. The dentists make zirconia and acrylic implant teeth options. The same is true of Next Day Teeth. All on 4 zirconia implant teeth require a tooth implant dentist to install 4 to 6 dental implants per jaw.
Zirconia implants can work for implant dentures, but the locator attachments are more durable and maintainable if done with titanium implants.
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