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Safe Removal of Amalgam Fillings

Amalgam Fillings Removal Technique?


Maybe now is the time to dive into heavy metal detox, but perhaps not. Whether or not you need to remove silver fillings and metallic crowns is a catch-22 situation. On one hand there are toxic elements that can be harmful. Is the mercury in amalgam fillings a concern for your health? Possibly. If you have autoimmune disease, sensitivities, cancer or a neurological disease such as Parkinson’s there may be reason to be concerned.


Cost to Remove Mercury Fillings


On the other hand, removing amalgam fillings in good repair can be expensive. And work on teeth does not always go as planned and there can be complications. And just maybe the American Dental Association is correct that it is safe to have mercury fillings in your mouth.


Safe Amalgam Filling Removal Video


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Before and After Amalgam Filling Removal


mercury amalgam removal dentist


Advantages Removing Mercury Fillings


  1. Removal of toxic material from the mouth
  2. Removal of corrosive metals. Metal fillings and crowns are made of mixtures of different metals called alloys. Metal alloys break down and leak out into the mouth. Some metals can cause allergies, hypersensitivities.
  3. No more Galvanic reactions. Metals conduct electricity from tooth to tooth like a battery. As electric current flows, metal ions flow out the bottom of the tooth and move from one tooth nerve to the other. Not a good thing since some of the metal ions are mercury. Other metals in amalgam include copper, silver and tin.
  4. Electronics create magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can impact signals in the nervous system. If metals are removed from the mouth, the magnetic fields are eliminated.
  5. Metal colored fillings look dark and ugly. Tooth colored materials in the mouth look a lot better than metal.


SMART IAOMT Amalgam Removal Protocol


iaomt amalgam filling removal


If you are looking for an IAOMT accredited dentist who is capable of removing amalgam fillings, you have found us. Maryland Holistic is a biological dental practice located in Burtonsville Columbia MD that uses a safe mercury amalgam removal technique. Dr Adams is certified and trained to remove mercury fillings with the IAOMT SMART approach to safe dental mercury filling removal. We have been a mercury free dental practice for over 15 years.


Why Mercury Fillings Need Replacement?


For starters, most silver fillings are old, ugly and are not sealing teeth properly anymore. Just like an old house in need of a new coat of paint. Aged amalgam fillings usually have decay and rot underneath and need replacement to avoid root canals and other painful and expensive repairs. And additionally…

Amalgam fillings contain more than 50% mercury. Metal filling removal should be done in a safe manner for the benefit of the patient and the dental team. Finding a professional who is experienced and uses the IAOMT SMART protocol when removing amalgam fillings can be difficult. The IAOMT safe mercury amalgam removal technique (SMART) involves the use of a latex-free rubber dam barrier, powerful suction, mercury gas filtration, water irrigation and supplementary oxygen gas. Like riding a bike, not only can removing mercury fillings be risky business, but it is an acquired skill that requires practice and experience.

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What is the IAOMT Amalgam Removal Technique?


  1. Amalgam filling material is cut out into large pieces – the larger the pieces, the less likely the pieces are to become ingested or splatter and sprayed all over the place. Removal in large pieces, minimizes the potential harmful effects of mercury.
  2. Cool Water Irrigation –drilling mercury fillings can produce a lot of heat and friction. The use of large amounts of water spray can keep the heat down and slow the release of mercury gas from the filling. Also small particles of mercury dust will not be atomized into the air but rather be captured in the water and more easily suctioned up.
  3. Efficient suctioning and air filtration– powerful suction and filtration removes mercury gas vapors and filling material slurry released during filling removal.
  4. Protective barriers – rubber dams are helpful in preventing filling particles from being ingestion or inhaled by isolating the working area from the mouth and preventing filling particles and procedure matter from being swallowed. Without the use of a dam, filling particles will be spilled and sprayed all over the mouth. During drilling out tooth fillings, filling particles will fly out at over 100mph sometimes being embedded into soft cheeks and other oral tissue.
  5. Protect the patients exposed skin – use of a surgical drape and wet towel can protect the skin and clothing of the patient from contamination.
  6. Provide Alternate Air Supply – to prevent the patient from breathing the air full of amalgam splatter and mercury gas, pure oxygen, in combination with nitrous oxide can be provided with the help of a positive pressure respiration device. So why is seeing an IAOMT trained dental provider so important?
  7. Filtration – professional air purifiers are placed near the work field when fillings are removed. The air systems have charcoal filters that remove mercury vapors from the air and prevent contamination of the air quality in the office.
  8. Supplemental evacuation – to further minimize mercury vapor generation, a vacuum can be used that throws the aerosol into the exterior, thereby ensuring minimal vapor concentration within the dental office.
  9. Watch where it goes – the story does not end here, and all the waste generated from removal of mercury fillings must be properly stored, sealed and disposed of according to the standards of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) agency.
  10. Amalgam waste containing mercury is required to be filtered out or separated by the water company WSSC


 Amalgam Filling Removal Cost


The price to replace mercury fillings with white tooth-colored filling material? Generally the costs are $400 – $600 per tooth to remove amalgam fillings. Plus the costs of rubber dam isolation per area of the mouth and disposables. A dental dam can be used to isolate 25% of the teeth at a time, so a total of 4 rubber dams maximum can be used. Additionally sometimes it is necessary to rebuild a tooth rather than just fill a tooth with filing material. Teeth missing more than 50% of their of structure or are cracked, need zirconia crowns in addition to fillings.


Mercury Detox After Amalgam Filling Removal


Many holistic dentists will offer activated charcoal pre treatment. Charcoal is basically a binding agent for heavy metals including mercury. Basically if any mercury enters the digestive track, it may bond to to the charcoal and pass through through the digestive system rather than getting stuck to the walls of your digestive system.

mercury amalgam filling detoxification

Liposomal Vitamin C


But what supplements can be taken after amalgam removal to help with heavy metal detoxification? We recommend sticking to safe, simple and natural techniques before going to more aggressive drug based detox strategies such as DMSA.


Vitamin C Before and Glutathione After Amalgam Removal


 Liposomal Vitamin C before and after safe amalgam removal. Vitamin C boosts the ability of the body to repair itself. Vitamin C is always good for you. Liposomal Vitamin C is delivered through the thin skin under the tongue where it enters into the blood stream directly. Supplements taken by pill may never get absorbed or may get damaged in the stomach or broken down in the liver before becoming available.

Liposomal glutathione use after removal of amalgam fillings is the safest detox method. Dr. Adams recommends products from Quicksilver Scientific. Glutathione is a natural supplement that should not be taken prior to removal of amalgam fillings. Glutathione will assist your cells in moving heavy metals out of cells and into the blood stream where you can pee it out. The problem is you do not want to increase heavy metals until you are no longer being exposed by the presence of mercury fillings in your mouth.


smart mercury removal dentistry

Liposomal Glutathione


Mercury is a very toxic substance to your body and it can cause many health issues. Mercury can be released into the body in several different ways including: chewing, drinking hot liquids, and teeth grinding. But one of the most dangerous ways it is released is the through the removal of mercury fillings. When drilling there is a release of mercury gas.

It is very important to use a special filtration system and proper safe amalgam removal process. We can replace your old fillings with porcelain or another non-toxic resin material. Some larger silver fillings may need to be replaced with crowns. We use metal-free zirconia crowns. Zirconia is one of the most biocompatible materials available in dentistry. It is also looks very nice like natural teeth and does not break.

Chlorella is another natural detox agent used by some naturopathic physicians.


Benefits of Removing Mercury From the Mouth:


  1. Removal of silver fillings from the patients mouth so they are no longer exposed to mercury. It is impossible to detox from mercury if you have mercury fillings in your mouth.
  2. The dentist and staff who are not exposed due to a safe removal process. The dental staff remove fillings all day everyday and imagine the exposure and contamination to the dental office when fillings with mercury are not removed in a safe manner.


Additional Advantages of Removing Mercury


Of course metal fillings have 50% mercury but there are many other reasons to remove them other than for reasons of toxicity. Most of us had them placed when we were kids and they are breaking down, leaking and when should we replace these things just anyways.  All too often we wait too long and a root canal or dental implants are our only options.

  1. most metal fillings are older than 10 years.  after 10 years, the margins on the fillings start to break down leaving a small gap between the filling and the tooth. This area leaks and cavities and rot occur under the fillings.
  2. metal sensitivity problems. many people are sensitive to one or more of the metals that are in the fillings.  There are inexpensive lab tests to verify this and determine the ideal material to use with your fillings.
  3. You grind or clench your teeth. Mercury is released as a vapor when fillings are agitated and heated.   This happens when we drill on silver fillings and that is why it is important to take special precautions when having them removed.  They are also heated up when we grind on them. Teeth grinding (bruxism) is a common issue and should be considered when replacing your fillings.
  4. tooth sensitivity from filing breakdown.  Amalgams weaken your tooth structure by contracting and expanding with changing temperatures.   Heat causes expansion which we see in thermometer.  Over the years you develop small cracks around your old fillings till eventually pieces start to come off.  At this point crowns, root canals, and extractions are needed.  It is better to treat these areas early to avoid root canals and tooth loss.
  5. Your teeth have started to fracture around your fillings.  This can happen and you do not feel a thing.  If your fillings are large then it may require a crown to restore the tooth and avoid a root canal or extractions.  If the filling covers more than 50% of the chewing surface a crown may be your best option.


Does Dental Insurance Pay for Removal of Amalgam?


It really depends on the specific insurance plan. Some dental offices will charge a separate fee for IAOMT Safe Removal of a Silver Metal Filling.

A dental PPO insurance often covers 40-80% of the cost of amalgam filling replacement.  Most insurance plans have a annual maximum benefit such as $1500-$5000 at which point the patient will need to pay for 100% of the fee.  Some insurance plans have a maximum allowable charge and others will pay on a pre-determined fee schedule.  We have insurance professionals in the office who will contact your insurance company and determine how your insurance works in our dental office.

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