What are snap on dentures? Just what the name says- denture teeth that snap onto implants. dentures that snap in have many of the benefits of implants and the cost effectiveness of replacing teeth with dentures. Snap on dentures is the most affordable full mouth dental implant option. And if you want an upper denture without plastic covering your palate, this is just what the doctor ordered.
There are many problems with regular dentures. Standard dentures can come out while eating and sometimes even when talking. Snap in uses a special attachment system (made by Zest Anchors) that mimics the function of a snap on a winter jacket. The male snaps are secured by implants and the females are built into the underside of the denture.
What are Snap In Dentures Video

Dr. Adams
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Snap-On Denture Cost
Regular dentures vs snap-on denture costs. The price for snap on dentures consists of three phases of the procedure. First, all remaining teeth need to be removed as well as bone and gum grafting. Second, dental implants need to inserted into the jaws. Either 2 or 4 implants per jaw is usually adequate. If a denture without a palate is desired, at least 4 implants are needed in the upper jaw. Finally the dentures are designed and connected using the snap in attachment system. Snap on dentures cost depends on how many implants are used, how many teeth need to be removed and what bone grafting needs to be done. Most snap on denture procedure cost between 15K to 20K per arch depending on how involved and difficult the case is. And how many implants are used. For a full mouth of snap on dentures, we usually charge 25-35K all-in including all the extractions, grafting, sedation and temporary teeth.
What do snap in dentures look like?
Snap on dentures basically look like a small and more comfortable version of a regular dentures. But of course you will see the male attachment in the mouth. It looks like a short gold male snap. They stick up 2-4mm and are easy to clean with a tooth brush. The snap in teeth are made of acrylic (not porcelain). The teeth are very smooth, and beautifully mimic the appearance of natural teeth. The female attachment can be seen if the over denture is turned upside down.
How Do Implant Dentures Work?
Implant over-dentures get support from your gums and jaw bone during eating. And the implants and attachments keep the teeth stable so they do not move or become dislodged. Basically the implant denture is a traditional denture that snaps onto dental implants. The implants have a special connector called an abutment that acts like the male side of a “snap.” Inside the denture is a locator precision attachment that mimics the female side of a “snap.” Conventional dentures sit on the gums and fit less firmly. Snap-On dentures are anchored by multiple implants. The teeth are removable but do not slip and slide. With this simple and affordable solution you can forget about sores caused by loose-fitting dentures. The snap in teeth solution prevents teeth from coming dislodged during eating, talking or exercise.
Other complete dental implant options to consider:
- All on 4 dental implants with bruxzir and prettau zirconia teeth
- Full mouth of implants with zirconia crowns and small bridges
permanent implant options are fixed in the mouth and are more stable and durable. They are also more expensive and costly. Fixed options are better for people with TMJ teeth clenching problems and sleep apnea.
Snap On compared to All on 4 Implants Video

Implant Denture Procedure:
Dentures that snap on require 2-4 implants per jaw for a full upper or lower set of teeth. The number of implants depends on the size and strength of the jaws. The number of implant needed per jaw also depends on the desired design of the teeth. For example, with four implants, the implant denture is designed without touching the palate. However, an upper denture design involving only 2 implants needs to cover the entire palate. Implants for this procedure are usually placed in the jawbone at the front of the mouth because there tends to be more bone in the front of the jaw than in the back. If 4 implants are to be placed, there will need to be two more implants placed in the back part of the jaw.
How Long Does it Take to Get Snap-On Dentures
Removable implant over denture cases can typically be completed in 2-4 months depending on the health of the patient and how much oral surgery needs to be done. In many cases teeth will need to be removed, bone grafting may need to be done. Of course, implants will need to be placed into the jaw. In cases where all the teeth are missing, only implants will need to be placed.
Usually, people only need one surgery but in certain cases two will be necessary. During the first surgery, any remaining teeth will be removed, bone grafting and hopefully the implants are placed into the jawbone. In certain cases, it may be necessary to allow the bone grafts to heal prior to performing implant surgery. If only one, surgery is necessary, the case can be completed in 2-4 months. If a second oral surgery is necessary, the case can take 6-8 months to complete.
How to Remove Snap in Teeth?
Snap-On dentures are removable and sometimes that can be an advantage. Obviously most people prefer teeth that are not removable, but they are more expensive and can be more difficult to clean. Sometimes permanent implant teeth can trap food and be uncomfortable. Snap on dentures are removable with forceful upward finger pressure. Special inserts in the attachment system can be used to make the snaps tighter or looser. The snapping is easy. When the denture is pressed downward gently onto the implants, the female attachments click onto the male attachment located on top of the implants. Snap-on dentures provide the strength and stability to eat foods and talk with confidence again. The removability allows the teeth and implants to be easily cleaned too.
As we know, dentures can come loose with simple actions as laughing, coughing or sneezing, and after a few times it stops being funny, and people start looking for a change that will prevent an embarrassing event. Having a beautiful smile is a priority for everybody, but what are the alternatives if dentures are not an option anymore? We believe implant snap on dentures may be the perfect solution for you if you need an affordable full mouth dental implant option. If you are willing to spend more money for permanent teeth, we also offer All on 4 implant teeth that are not removable.
Advantages of Snap-On Dentures Vs Normal Dentures
- Stability from implant retention
- No more denture glue or adhesive
- Improved confidence
- Easy to clean and maintain
- More Affordable procedure than permanent All on 4 dental implants
- Be able to eat and drink with confidence that your teeth will not fall out
Who is a candidate for snap on dentures?
Do Snap In Teeth Pop Out When Eating?
snap on dentures do not pop out during eating. Provided proper implant denture design (i.e., enough implants are used and there is adequate jaw and ridge support. Eating apples, ribs, corn, sandwiches should be no problem. All this being said, if someone tries hard enough, they can probably find a way to dislodge the teeth by biting hard enough in the right place. The only way to guarantee the teeth do not come out is to buck up and get permanent All on four implant bridges. Obviously snap on are the most affordable implants.
Do Snap on dentures need maintenance and repairs?
Absolutely. It is necessary to return to the dental office every 6-12 months, so the teeth and implants can be cleaned. The fit of the denture needs to be evaluated. Over time, the gums will change shape and fit will need to be maintained with a procedure called a denture reline. This should not need to be done more than every 2-5 years for a healthy person who has not gained or lost a lot of weight.
The female denture attachment inserts will need to be changed to keep the snap-in feature tight. This needs to be done approximately every 3-6 months. Generally, relines and snap-in inserts can be repaired in the dental office for a very small and reasonable fee. We include the attachment replacements with the bi-annual cleaning and check up visits for our denture patients. Relines are done less frequently and cost approximately $500. Often the fee is paid by insurance.
Problems with Snap on Teeth
- They require maintenance every 6-12 months
- They become unstable if the fit of the denture to the mouth is not good. Most people who are healthy and have stable weight, do not have a problem with this.
- Acrylic teeth can wear and discolor over time. But they can be cleaned professionally in the dental offices. And new dentures can be made to fit the same implants. Replacing an implant denture costs 3-5K if connecting to the same implants.
- If you chew hard enough, the teeth can come dislodged.
- Acrylic can break if you chew hard enough over time. Most of the time, repairs can be made inexpensively in the dental office. Such as replacing a broken tooth. Or repairing a broken female attachment.